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Field notes from our on-site coffee farm visits at origin for selecting top-quality green coffee lots. Home brew guides and a glossary of specialty coffee terminology is also included.

Pour Over Tutorial

Step-by-Step Guide: V60

You will need: kettle, paper filter, scale, grinder, decanter, brewing cone, timer, coffee, filtered water (205 F)

coffee brewing supplies for pour over

Step 1: Fold Filter and Place in Brewer

folding coffee filter

Step 2: Pre-wet Filter

pre-wetting coffee filter in preparation for v60 pour over

Step 3: Measure 21 g of Coffee (You will lose approximately 1 gram in grinding).

pouring whole bean coffee from papua new guinea into coffee grinder

Step 4: Grind Coffee and Place into Filter
Shake gently to flatten

grinding coffee
pouring ground coffee into v60 filter

Step 5: Pour 80 g Water to Bloom
Swirl between each pour. Wait 40 seconds to gas off

pouring water to bloom for v60 pour over
water to bloom for v60 pour over
v60 pour over

Step 6: Next Pour to 250 g; wait about 30 seconds

Step 7: Pour to 300 g; wait another 30 seconds

v60 pour over tutorial
waiting for v60 pour over brewing to finish

Step 8: Pour to 330 g

Step 9: Wait Until Brewing Finishes


pouring specialty coffee in last step of v60 pour over tutorial

The Recipe:

  • 21 g Coffee

  • 330 g H2O

  • 4 Minute Brew Time