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Field notes from our on-site coffee farm visits at origin for selecting top-quality green coffee lots. Home brew guides and a glossary of specialty coffee terminology is also included.

Chemex Tutorial

Step-by-Step Guide: Chemex

chemex brewing set up

You will need: Chemex 6-cup brewer, Chemex filter, 25g coffee, 400g(mL) water, kettle, grinder, scale

Step 1

Bring water to a boil.

Step 2

Prepare the filter and place it into the Chemex.

placing chemex filter into chemex brewer

Step 3

Pre-wet the filter by pouring hot water over it. Empty the leftover water from the Chemex.

water pouring into chemex brewer

Step 4

Weigh 25g of whole bean coffee and set the grind to coarse.

pouring to weigh whole bean southdown coffee for chemex

Step 5

Grind coffee and pour grounds into the filter. Gently shake the Chemex brewer to settle the coffee.

pouring ground coffee into chemex

Step 6

Pour 100g of water over the coffee evenly. Swirl and let bloom for 40 seconds.

preparing chemex
chemex bloom

Step 7

Pour more water in a slow circular motion. Stop pouring every 100g until your scale reads 400g. Pause 15-30 seconds between pours depending on flow rate and swirl between each pour.


Step 8

Let the coffee drain into the Chemex. Total brew time should be 4-5 minutes. Once complete, discard the filter and coffee grounds.


Step 9


The Recipe:

  • 25g coffee

  • 400g water